Extract Pages has just received an important bug fix.
Bug Description
If “Split by Paragraph Style” is chosen, the first file created includes all pages from the start of the document up to and including the first instance of the requested paragraph style. The second file includes all pages from the second instance of the paragraph style. Meaning that all pages between the first instance and the second instance are missing. Likewise, the first file incorrectly includes the first instance of the paragraph style.
This bug was introduced in version 2.0.3.
Version 2.0.4 fixes all this, and files split by paragraph style create the expected files: (1) From the start of the document up to, but not including, the page with the first instance of the paragraph style. (2) From the first instance up to, but not including, the second instance, and so on.
Update to 2.0.4 Free
This is a free update for all users of version 2.0.3, and is available for download here: https://www.id-extras.com/shopping-cart/my-account/
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