V-Justify, the InDesign script that puts you in full control of InDesign’s vertical justification, has been updated to version 1.6.4.
Version 1.6.4
Bug fix: If baseline shift has been applied to the first character of the last line of text in a text frame, and the justification style Prefer Loose, Loosen Only, or Minimum Change was selected, the script would not succeed in justifying the frame.
And since I see that I’ve neglected to update the Blog with details of all the improvements since version 1.5.1, I’ll list them here:*
Version 1.6.0
- New option to balance to bottom of text frame. (Previously, V-Justify relied on InDesign to tell it where the bottom of a column or text frame was. Normally this is fine, but sometimes InDesign gets this wrong (!). So I’ve now added an option to skip the fancy stuff and just presume that the bottom of the frame is where we’re aiming for. Of course, this won’t work for frames with footnotes, or in any other case where the bottom of the frame is not, in fact, the correct V-Justify target.)
Version 1.6.1
- Bug fix: In certain specific cases, space-before was erroneously applied to paragraphs even though those styles were set to ignore.
Version 1.6.2
- Ctrl-click now applies the maximum (or minimum) settings even if they do nor result in a properly vertically-justified frame. (Without Ctrl, if V-Justify fails to justify the frame, it makes sure that the spacing in the text frame is not altered.) This feature can be quite useful if you want to “debug” V-Justify, and see why it isn’t working on a particular frame.
- Improvement: V-Justify now works also with text frames that have had vertical scaling applied to them (i.e., that have been stretched vertically).
- Improvement: Works with text frames that have inset and/or stroke applied to them.
* Actually, I now see that that is not true. There is a much more comprehensive discussion of all the new features in version 1.6.2 here: https://www.id-extras.com/v-justify-updated-to-version-1-6-2/. Well worth reading if you haven’t already. (The post was simply not tagged correctly, so it didn’t come up when clicking on the V-Justify category on the right.)
Demo Download and Purchase Options
As a reminder, if you’re the sort of person who prefers to try before you buy, there is now a full demo version of V-Justify available for download. (The demo version will open a copy of your document in InDesign. The text in this duplicate document will be turned into gibberish. The test document is otherwise identical to the original and should give you a good feeling of how the licensed version of V-Justify works.)
To purchase a copy of V-Justify, click here. (Don’t forget to use the coupon code above!)
To get an instant download link to the demo version, fill in your details in the form below.
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