A new version of the Change Consecutive Paragraphs Pro has been released, with an emphasis on making it easier to construct batches. Thanks to Raphaël Freeman of Renana Typesetting for suggesting many of these ideas!
With version 2.0.5:
- The Batch Editor remembers remembers the last loaded batch and loads it whenever the Batch Editor is launched.
- A new Save Batch button has been added to the Batch Editor window (in addition to the existing Save Batch As… button), to make it easier to store any changes to the current batch.
- In the main window (the first window that appears when the script is run), clicking on the Save button (to save a change-sequence) while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard will save the sequence and add it to the most recently loaded batch sequence, making it quick and easy to construct change-sequences and add them to a batch without needing to open the Batch Editor.
- There is now full support for paragraph styles containing the full Unicode character set.
Existing customers can download the latest version here: http://www.id-extras.com/shopping-cart/my-account
To learn more and purchase, click here.
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