Interactive PDF forms have something called an “add an image” field. This allows the user of the form to click on an area in a form, choose an image from their harddrive, and add it to the form. Although InDesign...
Extract Pages, the InDesign add-on that makes it easy to generate small InDesign files from one big one, as well as export multiple PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, and more, has been updated to version 2.0. Version 2.0 comes with a number...
FormMagic has been updated to version 2.0.0. New features include: Field rotation. Acrobat has four rotation options for form fields (0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees). Until now, it was not possible to rotate fields with FormMagic. But with the...
Extract Pages has been updated to version 1.7.2. This version fixes a bug: If PDF export is chosen, and the option to export groups of pages is selected, and a PDF file with the same name already exists in the...
FormMaker makes it easy to create rich, interactive PDF forms in InDesign. It fills the huge gaps left in InDesign’s interactive PDF forms capabilities, allowing you to set text alignment in form fields, as well as set the text color,...
With FormMaker, not only is it possible to produce fully-formatted Acrobat forms in InDesign as with FormMagic, it is even possible to attach Acrobat validation, calculation, and formatting scripts to each form field right inside InDesign. You can also add document...
July 2018 UPDATE: If you’re looking to export multiple PDFs, using multiple PDF export presets, into multiple folders, using super-flexible filenaming options (including filenames based on the contents of the page itself), our newly updated Extract Pages script is for you!...